SEO articles, how to write them and get your page positioned


Being relevant to Google is becoming more difficult every day. And is that the web is full of data and pages with the same amount of information, so search engines do not have the ability to display at first instance all that inhabit the web.

You need to be as cunning as pro Article writing services — therefore use their ideas.

Therefore, here we will give you some tips so that your articles are stunning and reach the top of the ranking without problems.

What is SEO copywriting and what is it used for?

This little friend who will accompany us in the creation of Blogs and Posts, is nothing more than the way in which we write an article for the web with certain characteristics to increase its visibility.

In a few words, SEO is in charge of positioning your article on the search engines of the platform you need to use.

Your article can be very well structured, but if you do not apply SEO it will remain at the bottom of the web and will have no relevance to the target audience.

How to write an SEO article to position your website high in the SERPS?

Step one: Create or search for keywords for your article

Let’s go back to our daily habits and let us ask you a question: When we are going to search for something in Google, how do we do it? Let me answer for you: We put a few words in the search engine and we get multiple options according to what people search for on the internet.

Do you have an idea of where I’m going? Yes, keywords are fundamental for positioning, and they are exactly those that you constantly put in the search engine. Article writing services recommend that you repeat your keywords no more than 2 times per 750 words.

You should take care to research the topic you are going to write about and notice which are the most searched words in that niche to take advantage of them with SEO in your next article.

But it is not only calling people to our website, but that our writing is of quality, has answers to those questions or keywords that will make it move forward.

Second step: Organize the content in an aesthetically pleasing way.

If you use an easy-to-read structure, for example, divide the topics by sections or small paragraphs, it will be visually easier to read and therefore will collaborate with the positioning of the page.

Remember that the intention is that the information is not so heavy as to tire the viewer’s eyes, in addition to being able to apply SEO techniques in a better way.

Remember to organize your article based on tags or subtitles with the correct “H” rules. If you have been writing for a long time you will know about these tags, where the title should be H1, the subtitle H2 and the variations of the minor subtitle should have H4 tags.

Pro Tip: Even though pro SEO content writing services can be gung-ho, they still adhere to these basic rules.

This way of listing titles should always go in a staircase way, making sure to use the correct tags for each title.

Third step: Add audiovisual content

In our day to day life we have to notice that content with images are more consumed by the masses, and have an incredible load throughout the network. Clear examples of this phenomenon are memes, infographics, and influencers. And if we add it to our text it can be a winning combination. As a website content writer you need to be creative.

Images are also important in SEO positioning. Likewise links, videos and everything you can add to them. Since in addition to increasing the entries to your website, it will make it more attractive and will make people stay.

Mostly if the photos are of quality and even better if they are of your own hand.

To use them to our benefit and be part of the SEO optimization of our website, we will need to be very attentive to the titles. With this I am not referring to our article, but to the ALT tag that contains the image. Since depending on the one that it carries; it will be the result that it gives in the Google search ranking.

All this process goes from the moment we get or already have our image ready. It is as simple as saving it in our computer with the name of our article or any other name that will help us to position. For example, “SEO content writing services “. Adding keywords to the images will give us a plus that can launch us to the first lines.


That’s it! We hope you have gained a little more experience in SEO and can launch your article to a good positioning in Google search engines.

Remember as a website content writer you need to always be attentive to the information you expose and make sure your content is of quality.



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